
Wake up at 6:10, #VDOT training day 1 of training, left #running.



Today is the day I run Easy Running 5K, I went out wearing #New Balance1080v13. There are places where I burn a lot here and there, but so far my first #running shoes that fit my feet best.




I ran about 3K downstream of Han River Park and turned around and headed for the starting point.



The wind feels cooler when running upstream than running downstream.




Around #Saetgang Ecological Park, 5K was finished and #Strides training was done.

ST wasn't considered at the initial planning, but it was good to add 4 to 5 times after #easy running, so I added it at the last minute.

Running 15 seconds fast and jogging for 45 seconds 5 times, it's not easy to match the timing and pace.



As a result, I did 5K easy learning, 810m Strides training. 5K has a time of 652 pace at 34 minutes and 20 seconds. Achieved the target of 700 pace.



Strides training, I don't know if you're doing it right, but for now, I'll have to continue 5 more sets after easy running.



The book I'm reading these days, Daniels' Running Formula



I have a desire to improve performance.


Jack Daniels' #Running Formula is said to be a technical bible for runners around the world. The first #running started was simply health and diet, but now, 4 months after I started #running, I have a desire and a goal for the record.



On August 14th, I put on my new shoes and recorded the PB. For some, it's a jogging pace and it's a daily routine, but it was a great day for me to start running when I was in my mid-40s and didn't have much athleticism.


If you know VDOT, running becomes a science.




#VDOT is an indicator of running performance. Based on the recent race record, you can find the maximum amount of oxin intake (V dot O2 max) and use it to find the record estimate and training pace for each event.


In my case, there is no official race record, but with the same will as the game, I used a PB with 5k to get VDOT ( It is said that the more long-distance records are, the more accurate they become.)


The day I achieved 5K PB. I guess it felt good to run with new running shoes.


According to the list in Daniels' book, my VDOT indicator is 36, and the indicator calculated by the V.O2 app is 35.7, which is a level 2 runner ( Beginners exist up to level 1 and up to level 10)



#VO2max, estimated by the iPhone Health App, averaged 37.3 in the last 3 months and 39 in the last week. Certainly, the more you continue to run, the more numerical improvements are made.


Advantages of "Daniels' Running Formula"


The good thing about #Daniels's Running Formula is that it clarifies the purpose and effectiveness of training through scientific analysis and pursues the maximum effect of the minimum cost.


Simply put, training to improve performance is multi-faceted, depending on the purpose, and if the intensity of the training is not at a certain level, the effect will not be expressed, and if it is exceeded, the effect is limited and may be unnecessary stress leading to injury or running interruption.



In the running formula, various trainings are presented, including E (Easy), I (Interval), T (Threshold), R (Repetition), M (Marathon), and each goal, effectiveness, and appropriate intensity are clear.



The day I ran the half distance for the first time.


For me, who has been mainly about Easy Running, I'm giving a detailed guide on how to do other training. In particular, it presents the purpose and effect of why to do it, showing a clear vision for long-distance running where will and mental strength are important.


Write your own training plan.


Anyway, now that I've read about half of the Running Formula, I've got some outline of the concept to make my own training plan, and I took out my laptop and wrote a #training plan in a hurry.


The goals and limitations for creating your own plan are as follows:


Purpose of training : to pun 10K in 60 minutes

Restrictions on the establishment of training

1. The training intensity will be appropriate so that it can be a steady training.

2. The total training time will be within 60 minutes on weekdays.

3. Long-distance running will be conducted on the weekend.



That's how the training plan above was completed.

Through training 6 times a week, we continued to prepare for variables such as weather, and to promote condition management and recovery by cross-repeating easy running and quality training.

On weekends, I ran 12K to prepare for long distances and set my weekly mileage to around 40K ( Long-distance running is limited to within 30% of the weekly mileage, and for intervals and trist runs, it is set to within 10% of the weekly mileage per training.)


If this is the case, I think it will be my own training plan suitable for Daniels' formula.


All that's left is execution.

I was thinking about getting a training plan through the app, but I studied and thought about it myself, so if I made up a plan, it would be more precious and feedback would be immediate, so I wrestled with books and laptops all day long.


All that's left is execution and verification. I can't wait for the running tomorrow.


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