
Wake up at 6:10, #VDOT training day 1 of training, left #running.



Today is the day I run Easy Running 5K, I went out wearing #New Balance1080v13. There are places where I burn a lot here and there, but so far my first #running shoes that fit my feet best.




I ran about 3K downstream of Han River Park and turned around and headed for the starting point.



The wind feels cooler when running upstream than running downstream.




Around #Saetgang Ecological Park, 5K was finished and #Strides training was done.

ST wasn't considered at the initial planning, but it was good to add 4 to 5 times after #easy running, so I added it at the last minute.

Running 15 seconds fast and jogging for 45 seconds 5 times, it's not easy to match the timing and pace.



As a result, I did 5K easy learning, 810m Strides training. 5K has a time of 652 pace at 34 minutes and 20 seconds. Achieved the target of 700 pace.



Strides training, I don't know if you're doing it right, but for now, I'll have to continue 5 more sets after easy running.



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